Ms. Sagrario Segado. Head of Department of Social Work. Codirector of European Research Center ERCPAMM. Mr. Dimitrius Kiriakou, Chief Economist of the European Commission's S3 platform, Greek Presidential Advisor. Ms. Marit Skivenes is a professor at the Department of...
Mr. Mark Hugo López, Center's director of Global Migration and Demography of PEW Research Center.
Dº. Manuel Díaz Martínez. Decano de la Facultad de Derecho de la UNED. Dª. Sagrario Segado. Directora Departamento Trabajo Social. Coordinadora del Centro Europeo de Investigación CEIPAMM.
24—25 April 2019: International Seminar on Unaccompained Minors: Frontiers, research, policy and action for minors and migration. Melilla.
Ms. Dº. Ana Cristina Gómez Aparicio, General Deputy director for Child Protetion, General Directore of Social Services and Social Innovation, Autonomus Cominuty of Madrid. Ms. Ana Lima. Secretary of State for Social Services. Mr. Javier Huete. Coordinating Prosecutor...
24—25 April 2019: International Seminar on Unaccompained Minors: Frontiers, research, policy and action for minors and migration. Melilla.
Ms. Sagrario Segado. Head of Department of Social Work. Codirector of European Research Center ERCPAMM. Mr. Javier Huete. Coordinating Prosecutor for Minors. Ms. Ana Lima. Secretary of State for Social Services.